My BookEnds column review of Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale can be found on page 6, my article on rattlesnakes is on page 15.
Fiction Writer
My BookEnds column review of Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale can be found on page 6, my article on rattlesnakes is on page 15.
Save the date!I will be speaking about the birds and art of central Europe on February 6th. Details”The Gardens at Heather Farm, 1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek6:30 pm Doors Open7:00 pm Announcements, Birding Info, News7:20 PM Refreshments Break7:35 pm Raffle for Door Prizes7:45 pm Main Program8:45 PM Adjourn
I’m looking forward to talking about endings at the South Bay branch of the California Writers Club on 10/12/24 at 10:30 a.m. in Sunnyvale. See flyer below for details.