So honored to have been invited to write a guest post on how to write killer book endings.

Fiction Writer
November 13
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists Church Sanctuary,
1625 Salvador Avenue, Napa
My talk will cover differing formats (physical versus digital), what content can be used in creating a board, the advantages and a few pitfalls to be aware of while creating this tool, and how the muse board can help strengthen writing weaknesses and inform plot.
I will talk about how I discovered ways to capture emotion through the use of images, prevent time-wasting by documenting important details through visuals, and deepen the exploration of characters personality. Muse boards can even be used to develop less important characters to make them feel less like a device and more like real people.
Here is a link to a blog post on muse boards for more information:
1. In one paragraph, summarize your new book, The Practical County Drama Queen.
In The Practical County Drama Queen, eleven-year-old Frannie has ten weeks to stop her older brother Ronnie from making the biggest mistake of his life. As the youngest of Practical County’s Ryan family, Frannie has grown up watching everything. Watching her older brother and sister show steers, watching her Granddad work with the cows and calves, and watching the Darling sisters manipulate, lie, and cheat at the Practical County Fair. Frannie has also grown up knowing that, if she’s persistent enough, she can usually accomplish whatever she set out to do. But in this summer tale of growing up and letting go, Frannie begins to realize that some things in life just might be beyond her control.
2. What was the inspiration behind your main character?
Frannie was a fan-favorite character in my debut novel, The Beef Princess of Practical County. Then, she was a precocious preschooler with a huge vocabulary and an even bigger imagination. Readers begged me to give Frannie her own story. So, Frannie grew up a little, and what a story she has to tell!
3. Who are your favorite authors?
I have always had great respect for Katherine Paterson. And, anything written by Cynthia Rylant is golden in my eyes!
4. What has been the biggest challenge on your path to publication?
Patience. It goes against my nature to be patient. But authors know that the publishing world moves at a turtle’s pace. If you can’t be patient, you’ll give up before you get to the best part!
5. Were you a drama queen as a teen?
Me? (Laughs hysterically) Oh, pul-eeze! Why you even ask me that? For crying out loud! A drama queen? Ha! Really. (Rolls eyes).
Well, maybe.
6. If you were to describe yourself as a type of livestock, what would you be?
I’m probably a mother hen. I could curl up on a nest and brood all day.
7. What are your writing strengths?
I’m an instinctive writer. I don’t follow an outline. I break a lot of “rules.” I like working on character and setting. Planning out the plot gives me fits, so I usually just write and see what happens. Is that a strength? Or chaos in action? I’m not sure, exactly.
8. Was it easier to find a publisher for this book, than your debut novel, The Beef
Princess of Practical County?
One would think! But life is tricky sometimes, isn’t it? I entered The Beef Princess of Practical County in the Delacorte Dell Middle Grade Fiction Contest in 2008. I didn’t win. No one did, actually. It was one of the years they didn’t choose a winner. But shortly after, I got a call saying I was a finalist. And, would I be willing to do some work on the novel and resubmit it? Uh, sure? Of course! So, Beef Princess was sold to a Random House imprint without an agent on a second try. Not your typical “how I got published” story, I’ll admit.
Beef Princess fans asked for more. (But my editor didn’t.) Young readers said, “You should write another Practical County story!” (Hmm, my editor didn’t.) School teachers said, “Frannie surely has her own tale to tell!” (But my editor wasn’t asking for Frannie’s tale.) So, I wrote it. And much to my shock and chagrin, guess who wasn’t all that interested? I know, I know. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes.
After Beef Princess, I landed a fantastic agent, who sold my middle-grade novel about Danish gnomes at Christmastime (a bit of a leap from cattle farming, I know) to Candlewick Press. That is Winterfrost – due to release 9/9/14. My wonderful agent was determined to sell The Practical County Drama Queen. But we were met time and time again with this: It just doesn’t make sense for us to publish a sequel to something we didn’t publish in the first place.
Enter SCBWI. Their member’s magazine had a story last year on E-First Publishers. These publishers put books out in electronic format first. Then, they may or may not offer a print edition. My agent submitted, and MuseItUp offered an electronic AND print contract right away. Frannie’s tale would be told!
9. How do you balance writing with raising a family?
Seasons. I give myself permission NOT to write during certain seasons. When my farmer husband is planting or harvesting and I’m doing all the household chores, feeding extra farmhands, and running for parts to fix broken equipment, I give myself permission NOT to write. When I’m hosting the extended family Christmas and working parttime and caring for aging in-laws, I give myself permission NOT to write. It sure beats beating myself up for NOT writing. But when I have a deadline or a blizzard hits or I’m just inspired, I declare a season of writing. And that’s when I give myself permission NOT to fold laundry. It sure beats beating myself up over it.
10. Can you tell us about your writing space?
Right now I write just about anywhere I can find a quiet corner. But, I’m working on restoring a one-room schoolhouse built in 1894. It has been used as a barn for more than 50 years, so it needs a lot of work! When it’s done, I want to use it as my writing studio. And, I dream of having a cat there. I’d name her Miss Beadle.
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Michelle Houts. To learn more visit her website
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One of my goals as a young adult novelist is to subtly educate my readers. In Between Shadow’s Eyes, the protagonist, Sarah, is constantly remembering or using vocabulary words, sometimes grumbling about her teacher. I, myself, had an English teacher in seventh grade that opened the dictionary on the first day of class, and starting with the letter “a,” proceeded to quiz us on the words in the order they appeared. We had to learn both spelling and all the definitions in groups of twenty. I complained a lot about those tests that year, but I will forever be grateful to Mrs. Krumenacher for the depth of my vocabulary.
I am not now, nor will ever be, one of those people who would watch the Academy Awards just to see what the stars are wearing. Nor would I flip to an article written by the “fashion police” entitled Best and Worst Dressed. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that when reading a novel and I come across either variation of “he wore” or “she wore,” the prepare to skim function of my brain kicks into overdrive. However, there are times when I will actually be intrigued by clothing choices. This occurs when the way a person is dressed informs either the character ‘s predicament or their personality. In other words, their appearance is relevant to the plot or contributes to character development.
In the excerpt below from my young adult novel, BETWEEN SHADOW’S EYES, I intentionally used clothing and description to create an impression that there is something a bit odd about the character. (You will note I did not use the passive words such as “he wore” or “she wore).”
A flowing black-and-tan sari had replaced her “Save the Redwoods!” T-shirt and khaki pants. She, well, she floated toward me. That was the best description I could come up with for her smooth gait. Her chin swept side to side as she approached my car as if her head was loose about her neck. Something about the combination of her mannerisms and her physical appearance set my nerves on edge. With that pale skin and wispy blonde hair, she could have been a ghost herself.
Here are a few other examples where clothing descriptions would speak volumes about the plot or character:
A young girl awakes is convinced her dad’s old fishing hat that is littered with destination pins clues to her father’s past. (Intrigued?)
A young sergeant shows up to a military hearing in a tank top and holey jeans. (Is this guy in trouble or what?)
A prom queen has discovered what the girl she beat out in the contest is wearing to the big event and has selected the exact same outfit to wear. (Don’t you hate her already?)
The clothing choices in the above scenarios are not description for the sake of painting a picture. These examples provide insight into the storyline and the character’s mental state. The girl who wears an uncomfortable hat to bed is probably distraught if she is willing to inflict pain to keep his belongings close to her. Why? Has her mother just informed her that the man she presumed to be her father was actually her step-dad when her mother presented her with this hat now deceased biological father ? If you are in trouble in the military, do you really want to piss off your commanding officers by thwarting a time-honored dress code? What kind of person who’s already won an honorary position thumbs her nose at her competition in such a vindictive manner? I want to read on and find out. Do you?
Save the date!I will be speaking about the birds and art of central Europe on February 6th. Details”The Gardens at Heather Farm, 1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek6:30 pm Doors Open7:00 pm Announcements, Birding Info, News7:20 PM Refreshments Break7:35 pm Raffle for Door Prizes7:45 pm Main Program8:45 PM Adjourn
I’m looking forward to talking about endings at the South Bay branch of the California Writers Club on 10/12/24 at 10:30 a.m. in Sunnyvale. See flyer below for details.