Did you know that sparrow sang softer this year? Check out my article on the results of Contra Costa County’s Christmas Bird Count p. 3 Also, Izzy needs a home, check out her sad doggie story on page 16. #birds #ChristmasBirdCount
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
January Diablo Gazette Articles – Front Page!
I’m pleased to announce that my coverage of the Mount Diablo Audubon Christmas Bird Count made the front page of January’s Diablo Gazette. Also in this issue is my book review column of Tamara Shiloh’s Jaxon’s Magical Adventure: What if there were no Black People in the World?”(Page 10). My Rubydooby_do column featured sweet Walter, a German Shepherd (Page 10). Also a wonderful memorial to my brother-in-law, Lawr Michaels (Page 11).